seems then that my assumptions that you never really traded this strategy are true, if you only do manual trading a few times per week... the reason why i was writing my initial response is that i want readers to be aware that they should read articles like yours critically and with caution. it is a ground truth that profitable trading strategies are rare, short-lived and extremely hard to deploy (automatically), at least for technically not-so-skilled individuals. there is a big, big difference between actual automated trading and the simple, cool-sounding idea of "i buy here and sell there and will just write a small code to do so and make a ton of money...". there are probably many people reading your article that just dove into trading and are fooled by contributions like yours into gambling away their money and thinking that this is actually easy to earn a quick buck in the market. MARKETS ARE TOUGH, it is one of the most complex systems created by humanity, yet many articles on medium give the impression that you just need a lil coding and - zap!, you crack the market! there is NO SUCH THING like a bot that you just throw on and it runs forever with you leaning back. the thought is as foolish as believing in perpetuum mobile. trading is a profession and a job that people need to invest a lot of time in. by showing some questionable backtest results that are on top far from realistically simulated, you simply give people the illusion to rush to the market and start trading, where they will just be run over and loose. yet, i am of course the bad guy, whose "existence you are just aware of", although its you sharing non-sensical unprofessional insights, here. you may think that you are doing good stuff, but this is just spam. :P